Monday, October 7, 2024

MMEF Events for 2025 and Your Voices Please


Kia Ora Koutou MMEF Supporters,

What an eventful 2024! 

The AMI 3-6 Diploma tauira graduated in August, and their joy was palpable! Completing an AMI qualification requires commitment, diligence, and stamina; these tauira certainly exuded those qualities. We wish them all the best as they continue to support the development of young tamariki and deepen their understanding and nurturing of human potential.

Trainer in Training Carli Hausler Completed her *3rd* 0-3 Diploma!
Completing one AMI diploma requires perseverance, tenacity, and true grit. We couldn't be more thrilled for Carli Hausler as she completes her third 0-3 Diploma, the latter two as part of the AMI Training of Trainers programme. 
Here she is in Melbourne with several familiar and much-loved faces as they all take a moment to pause, reflect, and be grateful before the forthcoming oral exams. 
"I can't wait for the opportunity to share this amazing course in Aotearoa/NZ. I have a wee way to go still but I'm working hard". Kia kaha Carli, we can't wait for you to share your knowledge, your deep respect, and your aroha to enrich the lives of those in their first three years.

If this all-engaging and thoroughly fulfilling mahi as an AMI Montessori Trainer appeals, please visit AMI's new training of trainers website here.
A little Sadness, A Little Joy... 
MMEF's training base for the past 10 years was sold suddenly this year. We were heartbroken. 
Fortuitously, however, we concluded our 3-6 Diploma at Te Awataha Mārae and were immersed in the life of the marāe and the heart of Te Ao Māori. What an incredibly memorable and enlightening experience this was for us all! 
MMEF is now seeking a home for our following 3-6 Diploma Courses and is appealing to our community to listen out for any potential venues where we may establish our lovingly prepared training environment once again. 
Do you have connections to Primary or Secondary schools that may have available buildings? Please email for further details, ideas, or suggestions. Your thoughts and comments are heartily welcomed.

NZQA or Not - Your Voices Please
MMEF has an excellent track record with NZQA. However, we are currently embarking on a Risk Assessment process to explore whether to remain a Private Training Establishment (PTE) with NZQA or operate under the auspices of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) as an Independent Institute. As MMEF works through the pros and cons of continuing our association with NZQA, we would welcome your feedback on the following 2 questions:

1. If you plan to either study or support a staff member/employee to study for the AMI 3-6 Diploma, how important is it to you that it is also a Level 7 qualification on the NZQA framework? 
2. If MMEF had more flexibility to offer part of our Diploma courses online, would this increase or decrease your appeal to enroll?
Please copy and paste these 2 questions with your responses to by Friday, October 18th. In advance, kia rawa atu...

Save the Dates - MMEF 3-6 Workshops and Courses in 2025 

'Montessori 101 - What You Need to Know' ~ April 2nd, 9th &16th, 2025 6.30-8.30p.m.via Zoom
The feedback on this trilogy of events offered last year was so overwhelmingly positive we've been asked to offer it again. 
The online booking form will be available shortly at 
AMI 3-6 Orientation Certificate - August 19th - September 18th, 2025 ONLINE.
The dates have been scheduled for the next AMI 3-6 Orientation Certificate. The format will be, once again, two evenings per week and online to suit those working.

Here's what the tauira from the recent course conveyed,
"What I enjoyed the most was being guided through developing my understanding of what Montessori is in practice. It is a very lovely approach, and I just hope that I can do justice for the children and kaiako in my centres", and,
"We have been hugely inspired and refreshed by the orientation course. We have been observing every day and are amazed by how clear everything is now that we have slowed down and are observing daily." 

The course information and online booking form will be available on the MMEF website shortly; in the meantime -save these dates!
MMEF will post all AMI 0-3 and 3-6 events on our website at as soon as dates are set. 

Stay informed of MMEF News also via Facebook. 

Ngā manaakitanga,


Sunday, December 10, 2023

MMEF Highlights to Close the Year & Opportunities for You in 2024


Kia Ora Koutou MMEF Supporters,

As the year draws gradually to a close, we'd love to update you on some of the recent MMEF highlights and a look ahead to events tailored to you next year.
Hasn't the year been an active one in the early childhood sphere? Challenging, eventful, and productive in somewhat unequal measures! 
We hope you can soon enjoy a little time to pause, relax, reflect on the year that was, and look forward to a raft of new experiences in 2024.

The AMI 3-6 Diploma is exactly halfway through now, and we'd love to thank all the 3-6 environments that have hosted our learners this year for observation and teaching practice placements. You have been invaluably supportive and encouraging; we could not do what we do without your support, and we thank you enormously

The next 3-6 Diploma module runs from January 8th until February 2nd, and we'll be traversing mathematics. Kia Kaha to our learners who are working tirelessly as part of their commitment to supporting the optimal development of young tamariki.

If any 3-6 Diploma holders would like a material refresher, you are most welcome to join us for a session or two during the next module. Simply email, let us know which material you would like to see represented, and we'll book you in.  

MMEF Achieves NZQA Category 1 Status Again

Every 4 years, a little like ERO for early childhood centers, the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) evaluates all N.Z. tertiary providers (External Evaluation Review, EER). Two evaluators joined us for 2 days during our last module, and we're delighted to convey that MMEF received the highest outcome possible once again. NZQA rated us as 'Highly Confident' in Educational Performance and Self-Assessment Capability. Thank you to our learners and stakeholders who were happy to be interviewed by NZQA; this is a fantastic high note on which to conclude the year. You can read the full EER report on our website here.

0-3 Orientation Certificate ONLINE - January 30th - March 1st, 2024

If you or anyone you know works alongside babies, infants, and little people under the age of three, the forthcoming AMI 0-3 Orientation Certificate starting in January is certainly one to register for! 
It is perfectly suited to parents, whānau, and professionals working with tamariki under the age of three years. AMI 0-3 trainer Julia Hilson & AMI 0-3 trainer in training Carli Hausler will facilitate the course, focusing on supporting the phenomenal development during the first three years of life.
The dates are January 30th - March 1st, 2024. Evenings and Saturday mornings to suit those working via Zoom. 
This a reminder to register for the next AMI 0-3 Orientation Certificate before January 8th and receive the early bird discount. Download the course brochure and register online here.

And seeing the photos of these two amazing wāhine toa, they are currently together for the AMI 0-3 Diploma Course in Melbourne. The face-to-face module extends throughout January. Kai kaha to you both and to the learners embarking on this life-changing experience!

Calling all AMI 3-6 & 6-12 Alumni - 'Leading to Melodies & Compositions - The Bells', Workshops

 "Because no one language is rich enough to give expression to the gushing life within...he speaks, he writes, he draws, he sings like a nightingale in the springtime."    

                                             ~ Montessori, Adv. Montessori Method Vol. 11, pg. 295  Photo courtesy of Forest Bluff Montessori School 

Pairing, grading, and introducing the language of the bells are wonderful experiences in the 3-6 environment, wouldn't you agree? Did you know there is much more we can introduce sensorially with this exquisite material, like the staff boards, the note names, and the placement of notes thus gradually leading our musically inclined tamariki to compose their own melodies and read simple musical compositions? How much fun could that be?!

MMEF is thrilled to offer these further extensions of Writing & Reading with the Bells next year via workshops in two locations. AMI alumni have frequently asked for this, as these extensions are not always included in the 3-6 Diploma but rather offered via workshops later.  Note - AMI 6-12 Alumni, this could also be a wee refresher for you.

MMEF will offer two short and sweet 1/2-day workshops next year. 

- Wā Ora Montessori School, Lower Hutt, Wellington on Sat.9th March, 9-12.30p.m.

- St John's Montessori School, Saint Johns, Auckland on Sat. 25th May 9-12.30p.m.
The online registration form is available here.

And finally, thank you for your ongoing support of MMEF during the year ~ kia
 ora rawa atu. 
And to all those who will be extremely thankful to farewell 2023:
'Kia ekengia te waka i runga i te moana pukepuke - the sea may be rocky, but it can still be navigated.'

Wishing you all a peaceful, joyful, healthy Christmas and a purposeful, productive, and fulfilling 2024.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Photo courtesy of Glendowie Montessori Preschool

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Workshops and More 2023 - 2024

Kia ora Koutou MMEF Supporters,

Isn't it delightful to see a little sunshine - hopefully, the countrywide long-term forecast is correct on this occasion, and Spring really is on its way!  

With a spring in our step, we're delighted to let you know about a few workshops fast approaching this year and dates for the next AMI Orientation Certificates in 2024. 

'Marvelous Movement' Workshop with AMI 0-3 trainer Sara Brady
September 30th @11.00 -1.00p.m.via ZOOM.
There’s still time to register for the 0-3 MANZ/MMEF workshop as we explore the stages of equilibrium and the milestones that lay the foundations of MARVELOUS MOVEMENT!
Don’t miss the myriad of practical ideas for preparing the optimum physical and psychological environment required for society’s youngest.
MANZ & MMEF are thrilled to be bringing you this engaging workshop as we explore movement opportunities during the first three years of life and how to avoid becoming an obstacle to development.

We were not born to think. We were born to move. Human creative ideas are nothing in the absence of the manual dexterity that allows tools to be made, complex architecture to be constructed, art to be created, and instruments to be played. ~ Koziol, et al, 2012.

Fabulous Fractions  - Thursday, October 5th 6.00- 8.30p.m.via Zoom
This enticing and engaging piece of material can often be underutilised in the 3-6 environment - join us as we explore the span of experiences that can be offered with the
Fabulous Fractions.
This event may well serve as a 'taster' for those interested in the next AMI 3-6 Diploma. It will also be a refresher for our MMEF Alumni, plus a hearty thank you to our tireless supporters who have helped us to set up the Montessori training environment for each module. Yes, we finally made this happen! To read more - visit the MMEF website here and to register online, click here.

Montessori 101 - What You Need to Know - November 1st, 8th & 15th 6.30-8.30p.m. via Zoom
Following our conversations with many of you at the Montessori Aotearoa Conference in July, we're offering this trilogy of workshops once again in November. 
Spanning three sessions, we will explore:
Montessori Principles – Aids to Development
• The Prepared Adult
• The Prepared Environment (focusing on 2.6 - 6 years)
These workshops have been designed for:
- E.C.E. kaiako working in a Montessori environment
- parents, whānau & professionals collaborating with those 2.6 - 6 years
- and anyone considering AMI training in the future.
Register online here.

Dates for Your Diaries - 2024
The next AMI 0-3 Orientation Certificate with AMI 0-3 Trainer Julia Hilson & Trainer in Training Carli Hausler is scheduled for 30th January - 1st March 2024, 1-2 evenings per week plus some Saturday mornings - via Zoom. The registration form will be available soon.

The next AMI 3-6 Orientation certificate with AMI 3-6 Trainer Carol Potts - 13th August - 15th September 2024, 2 evenings per week via Zoom. Please more the dates.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Kia Ora Koutou MMEF Supporters

We hope you've had a little time to play, read, sing, or whatever brings you joy, plus reflect on your achievements of 2022. 
Amidst the challenges of last year, there were certainly highlights too, professional and personal, and we hope you've taken a moment to relive these, albeit for some, during your relatively short break.

Now looking forward - a new year, new information, and many new learning opportunities to consider!

AMI 3-6 Diploma Information Eve. Tuesday 7th February @ 7.00p.m (NZDT) on Zoom.
Are you considering studying for the Association Montessori Internationale
(A.M.I.) Diploma starting April 3rd, in Auckland? There is still time to apply! Join Carol Potts, Director of Training to find out about the course details. Past students will also join us, to share their experiences and tips for study success. Meeting ID: 821 8592 1235. Passcode: 838001. By way of RSVP, please text your name and centre/school name to MMEF 021 111 4133. In the meantime, click here for course dates, venue & application details, and follow us on Facebook.

Montessori 101~What You Need to Know

'Montessori 101~ What You Need to Know ' comprises three 2-hour sessions online in February 2023 with 3-6 trainer Carol Potts.

These short, pithy sessions have been designed for those 
new to Montessori and ECE kaiāko working in a Montessori environment. Also, parents and whānau seeking more understanding about this unique approach to development.
Professionals, including centre managers and admin staff, and those profoundly interested in development during the first six years of life would gain from this, plus anyone considering studying for the AMI 3-6 Diploma.

Wednesday, February 8th, 15th & 22nd @ 6.30-8.30p.m. via Zoom.
Cost: $100 (inc., all three sessions); each one will build on the previous session.
Click here for more information and register online here.

0-3 Orientation Certificate, February - March 

Bravo, for those of you who have already registered for the next 0-3 Orientation Certificate with AMI 0-3 trainer, Julia Hilson. This course will now be 100% online, and the good news is - there are still places available!
Visit the MMEF website here for full course details and to register online here.

3-6 Orientation Certificate, May 

The next 3-6 Orientation Certificate will be offered May 8th-31st early evenings plus two Saturday mornings with 3-6 trainer, Carol Potts. The course will follow an online format and at a time to suit those working - please save the dates now!

This course is suitable for those seeking a further understanding of the Montessori approach to tamaiti development plus Montessori centre owners, administrators, and ECE-trained kaiako/teachers in a Montessori setting. Also, for parents, whānau, nannies, carers, and professionals working with young tamariki. For anyone considering studying for the 3-6 Diploma in the future, this course offers the ideal pathway. 
Download the course registration form here and register online here. Ensure to register before April 21st, 2023, to be eligible for early bird registration.

'Marvelous Movement' Workshop with 0-3 trainer Sara Brady~ Sept. 30th ONLINE
We were not born to think. We were born to move. Human creative ideas are nothing in the absence of the manual dexterity that allows tools to be made, complex architecture to be constructed, art to be created, and instruments to be played.” ~ Koziol, et al, 2012.

MANZ & MMEF are thrilled to bring you this engaging workshop as we explore movement opportunities during the first three years of life and how to avoid becoming an obstacle to development. Click here for further details and to register online.

All the best for a peaceful, purposeful and productive 2023,

Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manua nui,


Saturday, December 3, 2022

2023: Become the Montessorian You Want to Be!


Kia Ora Koutou MMEF Supporters

It's been quite a year, hasn't it? 

We sincerely hope, as 2022 draws slowly to a close, that you all manage to spend some time with loved ones, family & whānau over the end-of-year break. Relaxing, reflecting, rejuvenating, and engaging in whatever brings you joy. We've all jolly well deserved it! 

This MMEF News brings you a range of events to look forward to and add to your calendars for 2023.  

MMEF 3-6 Diploma Update

Resilience, tenacity, and flexibility are necessary elements in today's world. With a few unexpected obstacles to navigate, the next AMI 3-6 Diploma will now commence in April 2023 rather than January. The silver lining for our currently enrolled students, who exuded all the above qualities and more, is additional time to enjoy the summer plus more time for Montessori reading!
Please see the new 3-6 Diploma course dates here and the new enrolment documents here
MMEF will offer the next 3-6 Course Information Evening on Tuesday, Feb. 7th. at 7.00p.m. via Zoom. Find out more about the course and join some of our past students as they share their tips and tricks for study success! Keep an eye on the MMEF Facebook page in the New Year for the Zoom details.

Haere Rā Jane, Nau Mai Magdalena - Introducing our New Course Administrator

 Earlier this year, we bade a fond farewell and said kia ora   rawa atu to Jane Watson, who has been our treasured   taonga and 3-6 Course Administrator since 2018. Jane   used to say,"I do all the things that Carol doesn't want to   do!" however, her skills, creativity and sheer level-   headedness extended much further establishing systems   and policies, not to mention traversing a deep dive into the   robust NZQA requirements.

And so it will continue, as we say Nau Mai and a very warm welcome to Magdalena Urbankova (pictured left with her son Filip [you'd never guess they are related, would you;)]. 

Magdalena joins us with a wealth of Montessori and administration experience. Being a recipient of pastoral care as Tangata Titriti, this plus Magdalena's artistic bent will be put to very good use in her new role. We certainly look forward to another Diploma with this Academic team. 

Professional Learning Development - 2023

Montessori 101~What You Need to Know 

MMEF receives numerous requests for a 'Montessori 101' overview, and here it is! Comprising of three 2-hour sessions online in February 2023 with 3-6 trainer Carol Potts. 

These short, pithy sessions have been designed for:

  • Those new to Montessori – ECE kaiāko working in a Montessori environment.
  • Parents and whānau seeking more understanding about this unique approach to development.
  • Professionals, including centre managers and admin staff, profoundly interested in development during the first six years of life.
  • Anyone considering studying for the AMI 3-6 Diploma.

When? Wednesdays 8th, 15th & 22nd @ 6.30-8.30p.m. via Zoom.

Cost: $100 (inc. all three sessions); each one will build on the previous session.

How to Register? Click here for more information and register online here.

0-3 Orientation Certificate, February - March 2023

AMI 0-3 Trainer - Julia Hilson

 We hear that many of you have missed the camaraderie   of face-to-face events; we'll be exploring a blended   format for the next 0-3 Orientation Certificate. It will be   mostly online in the evenings to accommodate those   working, plus a weekend onsite in Auckland to complete   the hands-on components of the course. 

 Visit the MMEF website here for full course details and to   register online.  Enrol before January 8th to secure the   early bird fee.

3-6 Orientation Certificate, May 2023 

AMI 3-6 Trainer - Carol Potts

To conclude the trilogy of workshops and short AMI courses being offered by MMEF in 2023, the next 3-6 Orientation Certificate will be offered May 8th-31st evenings plus 2 Saturday mornings. The course will be fully online - please save the dates now!

Who is this Course for?

  • This course is suitable for those seeking a further understanding of the Montessori approach to tamaiti development. 
  • ECE-trained kaiako/teachers in a Montessori setting. 
  • Parents, whānau, nannies, carers and professionals working with young tamariki. 
  • If you are considering studying for the 3-6 Diploma in the future. 
  • Further, the course may provide essential information for Montessori centre owners and administrators.

Registration Details

Download the course registration form here. Register online here. Ensure to register before April 21st, 2023 to be eligible for the early bird registration.

Hari rā Hararei/Happy Holidays however you each choose to celebrate the end of 2022 and the advent of 2023.

"These very children reveal to us the most vital need of their development, saying: "help me to do it alone!".

MMEF                               Montessori, Childhood to Adolescence

(image: courtesy of Totara Hill Montessori)

Thursday, October 6, 2022

MMEF News So Much to Update, Where to Begin?


Kia Ora Koutou MMEF Supporters,

We have many exciting updates for you in this month's MMEF news...

0-3 Assistants to Infancy Diploma - Brisbane

The students have just completed their second face-to-face module and look extremely refreshed if I might add considering how hard they've all been working.

During this module, they covered the communities (infant and toddler) album and the foundation of the personality development album. This meant a lot of practice hours in the model environment as they created presentations for all the wonderful experiences that can be offered to infants and toddlers. 

Paper writing and material making too were intense as they steadily prepared for their next module of exams. Kia kaha pēnei Maramatahi/go well in January!

Staying with the 0-3 theme, we've received a few inquiries about the next 0-3 Assistants to Infancy Diploma in the region - click here for details of the next one being offered in Sydney with 0-3 trainer Sara Brady, commencing December 2022 - January 2024. 

3-6 Diploma - Auckland

A few late applications for the AMI 3-6 Diploma, commencing in January 2023 have resulted in extending the deadline for application submissions to November 1st. 

We've been thrilled with the applicants so far and thank you all for spreading the word. If you, or anyone you know that has a profound interest in the development of young tamariki, please direct them here to download the application pack today! 

Accommodation - Can You Assist?  MMEF will have international students and others joining us from the regions outside of Auckland; if you know of anyone who may be able to assist with accommodation for our students, we would love to hear from you at Click here for the course dates.  

Director of Training, Carol Potts visits San Lorenzo

We wish Director Training, Carol Potts safe travels as she represents MMEF at the forthcoming 5-day trainer's meetings in Perugia, Italy later this month. 

Carol will be spending time at the Maria Montessori Institute in London, plus imbibing Montessori's history with a visit to the first Casa dei Bambini in San Lorenzo,Rome. Keep an eye on the MMEF Facebook page for reels and updates!

Montessori Opportunity - Whangarei

Did you see this on the Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand and MMEF Facebook pages? 

Amazing Opportunity:

  • Are you an experienced ECE kaiako? 
  • Are you AMI 3-6 qualified or looking to be so? 
  • Are you interested in establishing your own Montessori 3-6 environment in Whangarei? 

Support is being offered to someone that answers 'yes' to each of the above. All of the Montessori materials required to establish a 3-6 prepared environment are available for use plus an ongoing career opportunity is possible for the suitable applicant. Please email for further information.

Proposed AMI 0-3 & 3-6 Orientation Certificate Courses for 2023

MMEF has been liaising with trainers regarding the next AMI Orientation Certificates for 2023. 

At this stage, we're proposing the next 3-6 Orientation Certificate in May ONLINE format for the following:
May 8th - 13th & 22nd - 27th, 2023. 
The format proposed will be four evenings per week - Monday - Thursday 6p.m - 9.00p.m. and Saturday morning 9-12p.m. (10 days)  This will equate to 30 hours online plus 30 hours of independent study. 
The week of the 15th-21st May will be allocated to students carrying out the required 9 hours of observation.

The dates for the 0-3 Orientation Certificate, proposed for the early part of 2023 ONLINE are being finalised now and will be announced shortly.

Stay well and ngā manaakitanga,


Thursday, September 8, 2022

AMI 3-6 Diploma - October 1st Deadline for Applications


Kia Ora Koutou MMEF Supporters 

Spring. New buds. New beginnings.

Time to think about your new beginning in a Montessori environment!

We've thoroughly enjoyed meeting new faces during our regular MMEF Information Evenings; please pass on the information about our next one 
to anyone considering studying for a Montessori qualification soon. Join us on Tuesday, September 13th at 7.00p.m. via Zoom and use Meeting ID 828 5933 2499 & Passcode 770312. We look forward to meeting you!

Interviewing is now underway for the forthcoming AMI 3-6 Diploma commencing in January 2023. For those of you still considering applying, please submit your applications ASAP. Applications take time to process, don't delay! All applications plus the required enclosures must be received by no later than October 1st. 

Montessori Students Seeking Accommodation 

MMEF has received a few requests from potential students outside of Auckland who are seeking accommodation close to the AMI training centre in Albany, Auckland during the AMI 3-6 Diploma modules - see here for course dates. 
Dear Aucklanders - do you know of anyone with a spare room who may be willing to assist one of our students? Please email us at with any likely possibilities. 

Montessori Environment Seeking Relieving Staff

If you know of qualified staff seeking Montessori relieving work, MMEF could happily put them in contact with a centre that would dearly love to support a staff member to study next year. Simply email for further details.

Here's a delightful example by composer Vivaldi for you all. I hope you enjoy his rendition of new buds, new life, and new beginnings, entitled Spring.

Stay well and ngā manaakitanga,


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

MMEF News Updates - 3-6, 0-3 & Te Papa!


Kia Ora Koutou MMEF Supporters 

Congratulations to the Students of the 2020-2022 AMI Diploma!

Another Diploma course concludes - one which will be affectionately referred to as the 'course of all courses' as the students traversed a blend of online and onsite course delivery and very often at a moment's notice.

At the recent whakanui/graduation Director of Training, Carol Potts acknowledged the resilience, commitment, and sheer determination of the students as they studied tirelessly over the past two years - ultimately to champion the cause of tamariki and to apply Montessori principles to a wide range of experiences in the future [plus five students not appearing here].

AMI 3-6 Diploma ~ 2023 - 2024

We are delighted to announce the new module dates for the next AI 3-6 Diploma:
2023 Module 1 - Monday 16th January - Friday 10th February 

Module 2 - Monday 3rd April - Friday 28th April

Module 3 - Monday 26th June - Friday 21st July

Module 4 - Monday 18th September - 13th October 

2024 Module 5 - Monday 8th January - Friday 2nd February

Module 6 - Monday 22nd April - Friday 17th May 

Please visit for details and to download the course information.

Why AMI Training?

We often hear this question...

Montessori education supports the development of the whole tamaiti and is an educational approach that is offered in more than 140 countries across the world. The Association Montessori International (AMI) offers diploma courses that are respected worldwide. AMI is the association that Maria Montessori founded to continue her work, and AMI teacher training courses are renowned for their quality, integrity, and authenticity. 

An AMI diploma can lead to a career as a kaiārahi/guide in a Montessori environment in N.Z. or around the world, a Montessori centre administrator or owner, mentor, consultant or trainer. 

AMI 0-3 Diploma Update - Carli Hausler, Trainer in Training

Wonderfully, we have 4 students from Aotearoa studying towards the AMI 0-3 diploma in Brisbane, Australia with Director of Training, Julia Hilson.

In May, we had the opportunity of our first face-to-face two-week module. This time offered our students hands-on experiences with the materials as we looked closely at the aspects of working with tamariki in communities (toddlers and infants). It was both illuminating and validating and ...there's a lot to do before we meet again in September - kia kaha! 

MANZ Conference July 2022 - Come & See Us

We look forward to seeing those of you attending the Montessori Aotearoa Conference in July at Te Papa, Wellington. This year's theme is 'Leaving No One Behind He Waka Eke Noa' - and there is still time to register!  

On the MMEF stand, there will be books for sale, news of AMI courses, and a new piece of material for sale to complement your Culture areas. Come and say kia ora! 

Mā te wā,

Saturday, November 28, 2020


Haere Rā to a Special Montessorian Jude Collings

It is with deep sadness that we share the news that a dear Montessori colleague and friend Jude Collings passed away peacefully on Saturday 28th November surrounded by her husband Bryce, her two sons Quinn and Mattie and her dad. 

Jude put up a courageous fight when diagnosed with stage 4 cancer soon after completing her AMI 3-6 Diploma in February 2017. Her family, friends, and colleagues, her love of nature, and her work with tamariki gave her the strength to maintain an inspiringly optimistic sense of life.

Jude was a gracious, benevolent, and peaceful soul. She was a joy as a Montessori student, her compassion for others, and her dedication to the Montessori approach was palpable and genuine. 

Jude was greatly loved by her fellow students who frequently commented that she always managed to make them laugh when the deadlines were imminent and the pressure was on.

Jude continued to support MMEF as a Certificate Course assessor. She was also a commanding yet gentle presence as the Kaikaranga when offering the karanga, the call of welcome, for the new and graduating students at the opening and graduation ceremonies of the AMI Diploma Courses.

Many of you will recall Jude when she gave the karanga also to the attendees and guests at the MANZ Conference Pōwhiri in Auckland in 2019. As kuia Mereana Moki Kiwa Hutchen said, “a good kaikaranga has a way about her, a charisma. She’s special and she has heart.”. This sums up Jude – our brave wāhine toa - perfectly.

Jude pursued the role of 3-6 kaiārahi, a guide at Small Steps in Matakana and until very recently at Totara Hill Montessori, Matakana. She thoroughly embraced her Montessori work – it was truly a sad day when she could no longer continue to do this with the friends whom she loved, respected, and valued enormously.

We knew this sad farewell was coming yet now our thoughts, love, and heartfelt condolences are with her family and whānua.

The Montessori community of Aotearoa has indeed lost an ever bright and shining light…haere rā Jude.

Carol Potts

Director of Training

Maria Montessori Education Foundation