Saturday, October 28, 2017

AMI 3-6 Diploma Course 2018 –Venue Announced and More!


Kia Ora Koutou Maria Montessori

Education Foundation Supporters

We are delighted to confirm that the venue for the AMI 3-6 Course starting in July 2018 will be Kawai Purapura Retreat Centre, Albany. The Lotus Sanctuary with its tranquility, light and space will be the predominant venue for the course. 


Accommodation is available on site too, contact the venue for the weekly accommodation rates.

AMI 0-3 Course Dates Confirmed

Some of  you expressed a preference for the earlier  proposed dates for Module 3, 2019 and indeed we can now confirm your preference. Here are the complete course dates:-

2018 Module 1 - May 14th – June 8st (4 wks.)

Module 2 - August 20th – September 21st (5 wks.)

2019 Module 3 - Jan. 7th – Feb. 8th (5 wks.)

Module 4 - May 13th – June 7th (4 wks.)

*Dates may be subject to slight change

Visit to download the 0-3 & 3-6 Diploma course information.

AMI 3-6 Certificate Course, April 17th – 28th 2018 (9 days) in Auckland.


The on-line registration form is now available – simply click on the link to register

To download the course brochure – click on

AMI 3-6 Trainer – Carol Potts

Who is the Course for?

  • parents of children aged 2.5 – 6years
  • ECE teachers working in a 3-6 Montessori environment who would like to gain an AMI Certificate
  • administrators and trustees with a profound interest in the 3-6 age child
  • anyone considering studying for the AMI 3-6 Diploma.

When is it?

Tuesday 17th to Saturday 21st April, 24th & 26th – 28th April (9 days). This allows for time in between to complete the 9 hours of observation.


Yarnton House, Royal Oak & Glendowie Montessori Pre-school. See course brochure for full details.

And finally, He Waka Eke Noa – We’re All in This Together

Noho ora mai, ra


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

AMI 0-3 Diploma Course–Application Deadline


Kia Ora Koutou Friends of MMEF

Applications are now arriving for the Diploma courses starting in 2018. As we all near the busy term of the year – this is a timely reminder for those of you considering applying IMG_9559for the AMI 0-3 Assistance to Infancy Diploma. To assist with the course arrangements MMEF require applications to be received by 15th December.

Please contact Carol on if your application is in process yet is unable to be with us by this date. We acknowledge those of you who have already informed us. Visit and download the course information today. Don’t miss out!

AMI 3-6 Diploma starting July 2018, Interviews Underway

The first few interviews have been scheduled and the venue will be announced next week! Watch this space.

AMI 3-6 Certificate Course April 17th – 28th (9 days) in 2018

The previously muted dates for a Certificate course in January have been shelved and instead we are delighted to announce the dates of the receptaclenext 3-6 Certificate course: April 17th – 21st, 24th & 26th – 28th, 9 days in total. 3 days mid-course have been observed for completion of the 9 hours of observation as required.

The venue will be Yarnton House, Royal Oak, Auckland and Glendowie Montessori Preschool on the two Saturdays. The registration form will be available next week.

Visit the and download the course brochures for either the 0-3 & 3-6 Diploma Courses TODAY.

Noho ora mai, ra