New AMI Certificate & Diploma Courses for 2019–2020
Kia Ora Koutou Friends & MMEF Supporters
With just a few weeks remaining of a wonderfully productive year for MMEF, we’re delighted to end the year by announcing news of several AMI courses to start in 2019 & 2020!
Starting with ...
AMI 3-6 Certificate Course September, 2019
After much consultation with centres and teachers, and following a successful 0-3 Certificate Course that was held mid-term in September, we’re trialing something new!
With increasingly fewer centres closing for the Primary school holidays, to make it easier for both teachers and working parents, we are thrilled to announce that we will be offering the next AMI Certificate Courses also mid-term – September 9th – 14th & 17th - 19th, 2019 (9 days)
Let us know what you think!
Download the course information form at and book online at
AMI 6 – 12 Diploma Academic Year Format starting March 2019, Sydney
****And Announcing: The next AMI 3-6
Diploma, April 2020- October 2021 ****
The real foundation and your bedrock introduction to the Montessori world is the AMI 3 to 6 diploma course – for which we are now taking enrolments for the 2020 intake!
Immerse yourself in the world of Montessori, and experience the transformative process that can happen with an AMI 3-6 Diploma.
With research increasingly demonstrating that online study is incomparable to face-to-face learning, in which you can enjoy the camaraderie of fellow students to engage, motivate and inspire, in the only face-to-face Montessori diploma delivered in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
The next AMI 3-6 Diploma (modular format) will commence in
April 2020 and run to October 2021, extending over seven
3-4 week modules, plus 10 weeks of observation & Teaching
This format allows you to work and study, at New Zealand’s only accredited AMI Montessori training centre!
The course brochure will be available in the New Year – email for course dates.
Why Not Gift Yourself or a Colleague an AMI
Membership for 2019?
The benefits are endless:
- Support the Association Montessori Internationale, a global organisation, committed to preserving the legacy of Dr Maria Montessori and advocating for the rights of children worldwide.
- AMI membership is open to everyone, not only AMI Diploma or Certificate holders.
- As an AMI member, you are part of a growing Montessori movement, communicating and collaborating for the benefit of all children.
- You will receive digital newsletters and bulletins with news updates and events happening in the global Montessori community. (The latest AMI Journal is simply BURSTING with insightful articles, on everything from '”The Toddler and the Teenager” to ”Montessori’s Positive Psychology in an Expanding Universe.”
And finally…
Meri Kirihimete. Nga manaakitanga ki a koutou katoa.
Wishing you all a joyful holiday and a peaceful and prosperous 2019