Monday, October 7, 2024

MMEF Events for 2025 and Your Voices Please


Kia Ora Koutou MMEF Supporters,

What an eventful 2024! 

The AMI 3-6 Diploma tauira graduated in August, and their joy was palpable! Completing an AMI qualification requires commitment, diligence, and stamina; these tauira certainly exuded those qualities. We wish them all the best as they continue to support the development of young tamariki and deepen their understanding and nurturing of human potential.

Trainer in Training Carli Hausler Completed her *3rd* 0-3 Diploma!
Completing one AMI diploma requires perseverance, tenacity, and true grit. We couldn't be more thrilled for Carli Hausler as she completes her third 0-3 Diploma, the latter two as part of the AMI Training of Trainers programme. 
Here she is in Melbourne with several familiar and much-loved faces as they all take a moment to pause, reflect, and be grateful before the forthcoming oral exams. 
"I can't wait for the opportunity to share this amazing course in Aotearoa/NZ. I have a wee way to go still but I'm working hard". Kia kaha Carli, we can't wait for you to share your knowledge, your deep respect, and your aroha to enrich the lives of those in their first three years.

If this all-engaging and thoroughly fulfilling mahi as an AMI Montessori Trainer appeals, please visit AMI's new training of trainers website here.
A little Sadness, A Little Joy... 
MMEF's training base for the past 10 years was sold suddenly this year. We were heartbroken. 
Fortuitously, however, we concluded our 3-6 Diploma at Te Awataha Mārae and were immersed in the life of the marāe and the heart of Te Ao Māori. What an incredibly memorable and enlightening experience this was for us all! 
MMEF is now seeking a home for our following 3-6 Diploma Courses and is appealing to our community to listen out for any potential venues where we may establish our lovingly prepared training environment once again. 
Do you have connections to Primary or Secondary schools that may have available buildings? Please email for further details, ideas, or suggestions. Your thoughts and comments are heartily welcomed.

NZQA or Not - Your Voices Please
MMEF has an excellent track record with NZQA. However, we are currently embarking on a Risk Assessment process to explore whether to remain a Private Training Establishment (PTE) with NZQA or operate under the auspices of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) as an Independent Institute. As MMEF works through the pros and cons of continuing our association with NZQA, we would welcome your feedback on the following 2 questions:

1. If you plan to either study or support a staff member/employee to study for the AMI 3-6 Diploma, how important is it to you that it is also a Level 7 qualification on the NZQA framework? 
2. If MMEF had more flexibility to offer part of our Diploma courses online, would this increase or decrease your appeal to enroll?
Please copy and paste these 2 questions with your responses to by Friday, October 18th. In advance, kia rawa atu...

Save the Dates - MMEF 3-6 Workshops and Courses in 2025 

'Montessori 101 - What You Need to Know' ~ April 2nd, 9th &16th, 2025 6.30-8.30p.m.via Zoom
The feedback on this trilogy of events offered last year was so overwhelmingly positive we've been asked to offer it again. 
The online booking form will be available shortly at 
AMI 3-6 Orientation Certificate - August 19th - September 18th, 2025 ONLINE.
The dates have been scheduled for the next AMI 3-6 Orientation Certificate. The format will be, once again, two evenings per week and online to suit those working.

Here's what the tauira from the recent course conveyed,
"What I enjoyed the most was being guided through developing my understanding of what Montessori is in practice. It is a very lovely approach, and I just hope that I can do justice for the children and kaiako in my centres", and,
"We have been hugely inspired and refreshed by the orientation course. We have been observing every day and are amazed by how clear everything is now that we have slowed down and are observing daily." 

The course information and online booking form will be available on the MMEF website shortly; in the meantime -save these dates!
MMEF will post all AMI 0-3 and 3-6 events on our website at as soon as dates are set. 

Stay informed of MMEF News also via Facebook. 

Ngā manaakitanga,