Yes, We Have a Venue!
Dear Maria Montessori Education Foundation Supporters
Here at MMEF HQ we've been busy, busy, busy ... and there's some exciting news to report, about which this picture below is a clue:

1. The venue!
We all know how important the prepared environment is for the developing child. Equally important is a suitable learning environment for our own students, hence our excitement at being able to use Mt Eden's Quaker Meeting House on Mt Eden Rd to host the course, which has exactly the spirit we wish to impart on the training, and has the ideal location close to all Auckland's major transport routes.
When talking to Montessori graduates about their AMI training, eyes sparkle and cheeks glow as people regail their stories and relive emotions that emerged during their introduction to Dr Montessori's philosophy and her approach to human development. Visiting the Quaker Meeting House with the MMEF trustees, a similar experience was felt. We felt 'at home.'
The Religious Society of Friends (or as they are more commonly known, Quakers) worship in silence; Quakers believe there is “that of god” in all people. Is this not a part of a Montessori teacher's role - to find the “specialness” within each child? The Quakers also have at their very core their total belief in Peace. This was also the belief of Dr. Montessori, who consistently spoke about the child as the catalyst of change towards a new peaceful society.
The Centre, on Mount Eden Rd, Mt Eden, Auckland, is within walking distance of the city, on the main central bus route 10 minutes from Central Auckland, and just minutes away from shops, cafes and Mt. Eden train station. The Airbus to and from the Airport is very convenient and cheap (at present $15 one way, $22 return) and will stop at the regular bus stop near the Centre. We are fervent in our belief that it will convey the perfect balance of physical comfort and spiritual harmony for all who study there.
2. Study Options
In the previous MMEF newsletters we aired the possibility of two study options for next year's course. Thank you to those of you who responded, who overwhelmingly supported Option 1 - the full day study programme - which is what we will be offering next year. (This will be reviewed again for future courses.)
3. NZQA News
Also keeping us busy has been our application to NZQA to establish as a Private Training Establishment and now Course Approval & Accreditaion. Once registered and with the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students, MMEF can confirm the enrolment of International students on the course. We look forward to our registration being confirmed very soon. Watch this space for an update.
4. MMEF to have a stand at Teacher Resource Expo. in October
MMEF are hosting a stand at the Teachers Resource Expo. in Auckland this month with the aim of speaking to as many Early Childhood teachers as possible about 3-6 AMI training. With at least two Montessori schools keen to sponsor students undertaking the AMI Diploma course this is likely to make the course very attractive for some lucky students.
Please email us if this if your wish & to find out more about sponsorship of students.
May we also take this opportunity to urge all Montessorians to speak to, inspire & encourage as many potential students as possible to undertake the AMI Diploma course. We invite each and everyone of you to assist us in spreading the word so that more schools can engage AMI qualified Montessori graduates & so that more New Zealand children may be nurtured according to the philosophy of Dr Montessori.
5. Cheryl Ferreira to deliver keynote address at MANZ and ECC Conferences
We are delighted to announce that Cheryl will be presenting both keynote addresses and workshops at the forthcoming MANZ Conference next year in Napier in April. This will be a welcome return following her previous MANZ workshop in Auckland earlier this year, and prior to that as keynote speaker at the MANZ Conference in Auckland in 2002. Cheryl will compliment a wonderful line-up of speakers on the theme 'Montessori - Personalising Learning in the 21st Century' See for more information.
Montessorians regularly talk about taking the Montessori approach to childhood to a wider audience, and in keeping with the aims of the Centenary year to 'Champion the Cause of all Children' one such opportunity arises next year. Cheryl has also been invited to speak to approximately four-hundred delegates at the Early Childhood Council Conference in Wellington in May. For more details on this, please visit
It's certainly going to be an eventful year - do visit to download your application form and for up to date news about the course or email To subscribe to MMEF News – a complimentary MMEF newsletter- please email us at
Best wishes,
Carol, Tia, Anna, Shirley, Lynne