Saturday, October 4, 2008

We're raring to go. Time to sign up!

Dear Maria Montessori Education Foundation Supporters

A dream sparked by the Montessori Congress in 2005 just became
reality as MMEF received Course Approval and Accreditation from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) for the AMI 3-6 training course!

MMEF, previously established as a Private Training Establishment, now have the AMI 3-6 course on the NZQA, soon to appear on the New Zealand Careers Services websites.

We're here, we're official and we're raring to go!

Why Take “Face-to-Face” Training?
Open any Montessori magazine today and you'll be faced with a plethora of Montessori training options to consider. Recently we've received several inquiries asking just that question- 'why take face to face training'? Below is a timely piece courtesy of the AMI website answers this question succinctly.

Q: I have become very interested in the Montessori method of education and would like to study for an AMI diploma. Can I do this by a “distance learning programme”?
A: The Montessori approach offers a broad vision of education as an aid to life. It is designed to help children with their task of inner construction as they grow from childhood to maturity. It succeeds because it draws its principles from the natural development of the child. Its flexibility provides a matrix within which each individual child's inner directives freely guide the child toward wholesome growth.
The preparation of the adult about to undertake work with young children demands a high degree of self-discipline and commitment, and a professional attitude. This preparation can only be achieved through immersion in the Montessori theory under the supervision of experienced lecturers.
Furthermore, the special materials to be used with the children in a Montessori class require individual training and supervised practice—as each piece of apparatus has a function in the total scheme of the Montessori Prepared Environment.
These fundamental aspects cannot be covered in sufficient depth by distance learning.
Montessori training is a process of re-orientation where students begin to discover for themselves the profound truths underlying the Montessori approach.

AMI Courses are full-time and are offered over an academic year or several summers. The course programme includes lectures, seminars and demonstrations on Montessori philosophy, child development and the Montessori materials. Each course also includes significant components of observation, supervised practice with the materials, material making and teaching practice. Students prepare their own albums which details the purpose, use and presentation of each piece of material.
In the words of Dr. Montessori the teacher ‘must give her lesson, plant the seed and then disappear; observing and waiting’ (The Call of Education, Vol. 11, no. IV, December, 1925). This apparently simple proverb continues to be a piece of worthwhile advice and a source of inspiration. It is at the core of the role of the Montessori teacher.

A recent AMI graduate commented after completion of his 3-6 Diploma overseas,

"the hardship of suspending paid employment for ten months will never be a decision taken lightly, by anyone. However, the benefits of embarking on an intense period of study of this sensorially based method of education - with hands on delivery and discovery - will be almost palpable both for you and the children forever."

For those of you with pen poised over your MMEF application form - consider this...just think back to what you were doing in January? Can you remember?
Has the past ten months flown by? Did it seem just a short time ago when you were preparing the classroom for the year and here we are now just beginning the final term? How quickly one year goes, with nothing new seemingly to show for it, but how much can be learned in just one year that means our lives - and our work in Montessori - will never be the same again... that MMEF application form today!

Nepali Baby Print
You may remember we announced that Susan Stephenson had generously offered MMEF one her beautiful artworks - Nepali Baby - well it has arrived and it is even more enchanting than it is online (left).
Go to and read the story behind the painting.
With a Rimu frame and archival glass we are seeking bids from $200 for this limited edition giclee print.
For convenience we've listed it at TradeMe, go to before the end of November with your bid and know that the proceeds will go to a good cause!
MMEF has just a few Michael Olaf Catalogues left The Joyful Child - 0-3 and Child of the World - 3-12 at $15 for one or $20 for one of each (inc. GST) plus postage.
Please email to order.

Cheryl Ferreira Public Address - Hamilton - Thursday November 5th

Our Director of Training Cheryl Ferriera will be back in New Zealand in November for the final preparations for the course next year, and we couldn't let her visit without offering you all the opportunity to hear Cheryl's words of wisdom just once more this year.
Therefore we cordially invite you all to 'The Child - A Social Being' - on Thursday November 6th at 7.00p.m.
The public address at Silverdale Normal School, 62 Silverdale Road, Hamilton, will be for Montessorians, parents, anyone working with children and those with a profound interest in child development.

The admission fee of $10 with go towards the purchase of shelving for next year's course.
RSVP to by Tuesday 4th November.

Get those application forms in!
We thank you for your responses to our previous questionnaire, though with time moving rapidly towards the end of the year, we would really still love to hear from you!
We will be calling as many schools as we are able over the next few weeks asking what can we do to make the training possible for one of your team next year.
MMEF have enchanting premises, an outstanding face-to-face course, and internationally-renowned trainer. Click on the link at for an application form, or email

Interviews are now being scheduled with Cheryl Ferreira in November.
Apply now to and secure an interview time!

o subscribe to MMEF News – a complimentary MMEF newsletter - and for enquiries about the course, please contact

Best wishes,
Carol, Tia, Anna, Shirley, Lynne