March Musings…Next Course Dates Announced
Dare we mention the start of the year when it’s already nearing the end of March…though before telling you all our news let us first recap one or two momentous event from January….
ON JANUARY 19TH, the ecstatic students of the first New Zealand AMI 3-6 Course graduated! As the students received their diplomas from Director of Training Cheryl Ferreira, it was standing room only as family, friends and distinguished guests, including AMI examiners Amy Kirkham and Pamela Nunn, shared the celebrations.
AMI External examiner, Hilla Patell spoke reverently of the importance of the work that the students were about to embark on. Student Teresa Durrant delivered an emotional thank you speech on behalf of the students with particular gratitude to Cheryl for her support, encouragement and inspiration throughout the course.
Frivolity ensued as one of the students presented all graduates, Cheryl and Carol with a T-shirt with what became Cheryl’s catch-phrase during the course printed on it….
NZQA gives MMEF glowing External Evaluation Result
OUR FIRST CLASS OF graduates wasn’t the only excitement in January. MMEF also received positive results following the NZQA External Evaluation Review at the beginning of the year. The NZQA reviewers were impressed by the camaraderie of the students and their approach to their studies - rather than seeking external support, NZQA said, the students searched within themselves and tackled their tasks!
A couple of snippets from the report,
“Many of the students compared the AMI training experience to their early childhood
education degree programme and, although the Montessori training was in-depth and
challenging, they said it was very rewarding and gave them a greater knowledge and
understanding of children’s potential and the respect required to nurture positive
“The AMI director of training who is currently delivering the programme is an inspirational teacher and actively attracts and engages the students in learning. The director has a wealth of experience and knowledge in Montessori education, has a sound reputation in the sector, and is highly respected worldwide”.
The overall result was Highly Confident in Educational Performance and Confident for Self -Assessment. We are delighted!
AMI 3-6 Course Dates 2012 - 2013
Module 1 - Tuesday 3rd January – Saturday 11th February 2012 (6 weeks)
Module 2 - Tuesday 10th April – Friday 4th May (4weeks)
Module 3 - Monday 18th June – Friday 13th July (4weeks)
Module 4 - Monday 17th September – Friday 12th October (4weeks)
Module 5 - Monday 7th January – Saturday 16th February 2013 (6 weeks inc. written and oral exams)
Note: Occasional Saturdays may be required during Modules 2 & 5 to make up for the statutory holidays.
Applications now being received, please email for the Course Application Pack.
WORKSHOP: ‘Montessori Orientation – Follow the Child’
WE ARE ALSO DELIGHTED to announce two forthcoming workshops in Auckland and Wellington presenting some of the key principles of the Montessori philosophy.
Auckland – Saturday 16th July – Monday 18th July
Wellington – Wednesday 20th July – Friday 22nd July
During the first six years of life, each child creates their individual personality. They acquire language, co-ordinate their movements and take in the cultural traits of those around them. The experiences of the child from birth to six will shape the unique adult he/she will become. What guidance can be gleaned from Montessori to support the child’s natural development? Is the physical environment key? What is the adult’s role? How do we elicit each child’s inner potential?
These ideas and more will be the springboard for a lively 3 day workshop with our Director of Training - Cheryl Ferreira.
Workshop registration forms will be emailed to you all soon!
Meet-up with Ginni Sackett at MANZ Conference in Rotorua – Sunday 17th April.
For anyone interested to hear more about AMI 3-6 training, come and join us on Sunday lunchtime at the MANZ Conference. The exact space is yet to be decided though come and see us on the MMEF stand and we’ll tell you where and when for this informal gathering!
That’s all for now,
Carol, Tia, Anna, Shirley & Lynne
MMEF Trustees