Saturday, November 24, 2007

AMI Assistants Certificate Courses Offered in 2008

Welcome to our final newsletter of the year, it has been a busy and productive 2007 for MMEF!

Our focus this year, apart from Cheryl's visit in July, has been the processing of NZQA documentation. We were jubilant to complete the PTE application in September and are now anticipating an NZQA site visit to the training environment in December!

We are also in the final stages of completing the Course Approval and Accreditation application too. This has been an enormously lengthy process that we hadn't planned on starting until after the training course had commenced, however the benchmark for allowing International students to study in New Zealand was raised late this year therefore, the completion of this application became essential.

As the end of the year is drawing closer and International students are currently unable to proceed with their student visas until the NZQA processes are complete - a decision had to be made to defer the start date of the course. In consultation with AMI and their preference to keep training in line with a country's academic year, the course will now commence in February 2009.

This now gives MMEF additional time to prepare the training environment, and plans are afoot for Cheryl Ferreira to run AMI Assistants Certificate Courses around New Zealand over 2008. Cheryl, the Director of Training for the 2009 course, will be a regular visitor to New Zealand throughout 2008, not least as a keynote speaker at both the MANZ Conference in April and the ECC Conference in Wellington in May.

MMEF Advisory Team holds its inaugural meeting...

This team of experienced practitioners from various professional and educational backgrounds meet twice annually to strategically advise the MMEF Management Team on future directions.

Chensa Clarkson (AMI Montessori teacher), Warren Shephard (QED Consultant), Claire Winiana (Bi-cultural advisor), Tia Wooller (MMEF Trustee), Teresa Durrant with Owen! (the former - Montessori School Owner) and Carol Potts (MMEF Trustee). Absent was Margaret O'Meara & Cheryl Ferreira.

AMI Assistant Certificate Courses
Cheryl will be in New Zealand in 2008 to facilitate several professional development opportunities, including an AMI Assistants Certificate Course which will be available to all including parents, ECE teachers and those working in Montessori schools -- this would be ideal for anyone working in a Montessori environment without an existing Montessori diploma, even Montessori school owners!

These intensive 6-7 day courses are internationally recognised, and are the perfect introduction for anyone wishing to study towards the AMI 3-6 Diploma in 2009. MMEF would like to be able to offer these in several locations in the July school holidays, so for all of you in the South Island especially, please let us know if this would be of interest to you and we will make it happen! The locations planned to date are the Upper North Island and the South Island - further details will be out early in the new year. Both will be subject to interest - and places will be limited.

Keep watching this space.

Following the huge success and numerous comments of support for Cheryl's Language and Mathematics workshop held in Auckland last July, we will also offer a follow up workshop later next year, in October.

Centenary Conference in China
AMI training is also soon to start in China, where things are developing on a huge scale. Conference papers will be published in the coming weeks on AMI's website -

26th International Montessori Congress January 5-8, 2009 in Chennai, India.
Other exciting developments for you to keep an eye on are plans for the next International Montessori Congress, to be held in Chennai, India. Start saving now!

The Congress theme is ' Sadhana', meaning 'The mind and body coming together to perform complex multi-level tasks initially with awareness but eventually lived and carried out without effort'

I would encourage you all to visit the Congress website - this beautiful quote encapsulates the feeling that will surely pervade the Congress...

"As the child develops in harmony, the actions of the body and mind are knitted together in creating the fabric of the self. Practitioners, young and old, must engage in the thoughtful practice of central Montessori principles in everyday life. Through our every conscious action we must seek to live our theory."
And another thing...
Visit our main website to download your application forms, and for up to date news about all the courses, or email And to subscribe to MMEF News – a complimentary MMEF newsletter- please email us at

Best wishes,
Carol, Tia, Anna, Shirley, Lynne


PS: Please feel free to forward our news to everyone you've ever met. Let's get our good news out there!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Yes, We Have a Venue!

Dear Maria Montessori Education Foundation Supporters

Here at MMEF HQ we've been busy, busy, busy ... and there's some exciting news to report, about which this picture below is a clue:

Yes, this is the venue for MMEF's training course, and we couldn't be happier.

1. The venue!
We all know how important the prepared environment is for the developing child. Equally important is a suitable learning environment for our own students, hence our excitement at being able to use Mt Eden's Quaker Meeting House on Mt Eden Rd to host the course, which has exactly the spirit we wish to impart on the training, and has the ideal location close to all Auckland's major transport routes.

When talking to Montessori graduates about their AMI training, eyes sparkle and cheeks glow as people regail their stories and relive emotions that emerged during their introduction to Dr Montessori's philosophy and her approach to human development. Visiting the Quaker Meeting House with the MMEF trustees, a similar experience was felt. We felt 'at home.'

The Religious Society of Friends (or as they are more commonly known, Quakers) worship in silence; Quakers believe there is “that of god” in all people. Is this not a part of a Montessori teacher's role - to find the “specialness” within each child? The Quakers also have at their very core their total belief in Peace. This was also the belief of Dr. Montessori, who consistently spoke about the child as the catalyst of change towards a new peaceful society.

The Centre, on Mount Eden Rd, Mt Eden, Auckland, is within walking distance of the city, on the main central bus route 10 minutes from Central Auckland, and just minutes away from shops, cafes and Mt. Eden train station. The Airbus to and from the Airport is very convenient and cheap (at present $15 one way, $22 return) and will stop at the regular bus stop near the Centre. We are fervent in our belief that it will convey the perfect balance of physical comfort and spiritual harmony for all who study there.

We couldn't wish for a more appropriate venue.

2. Study Options
In the previous MMEF newsletters we aired the possibility of two study options for next year's course. Thank you to those of you who responded, who overwhelmingly supported Option 1 - the full day study programme - which is what we will be offering next year. (This will be reviewed again for future courses.)

3. NZQA News
Also keeping us busy has been our application to NZQA to establish as a Private Training Establishment and now Course Approval & Accreditaion. O
nce registered and with the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students, MMEF can confirm the enrolment of International students on the course. We look forward to our registration being confirmed very soon. Watch this space for an update.

4. MMEF to have a stand at Teacher Resource Expo. in October
MMEF are hosting a stand at the Teachers Resource Expo. in Auckland this month with the aim of speaking to as many Early Childhood teachers as possible about 3-6 AMI training. With at least two Montessori schools keen to sponsor students undertaking the AMI Diploma course this is likely to make the course very attractive for some lucky students.

Please email us if this if your wish & to find out more about sponsorship of students.

May we also take this opportunity to urge all Montessorians to speak to, inspire & encourage as many potential students as possible to undertake the AMI Diploma course. We invite each and everyone of you to assist us in spreading the word so that more schools can engage
AMI qualified Montessori graduates & so that more New Zealand children may be nurtured according to the philosophy of Dr Montessori.

5. Cheryl Ferreira to deliver keynote address at MANZ and ECC Conferences
We are delighted to announce that Cheryl will be presenting both keynote addresses and workshops at the forthcoming MANZ Conference next year in Napier in April. This will be a welcome return following her previous MANZ workshop in Auckland earlier this year, and prior to that as keynote speaker at the MANZ Conference in Auckland in 2002. Cheryl will compliment a wonderful line-up of speakers on the theme 'Montessori - Personalising Learning in the 21st Century' See for more information.

Montessorians regularly talk about taking the Montessori approach to childhood to a wider audience, and in keeping with the aims of the Centenary year to 'Champion the Cause of all Children' one such opportunity arises next year. Cheryl has also been invited to speak to approximately four-hundred delegates at the Early Childhood Council Conference in Wellington in May. For more details on this, please visit

It's certainly going to be an eventful year - do visit to download your application form and for up to date news about the course or email To subscribe to MMEF News – a complimentary MMEF newsletter- please email us at

Best wishes,

Carol, Tia, Anna, Shirley, Lynne


Saturday, August 18, 2007

AMI Diploma - Your Passport to the World

Dear Maria Montessori Education Foundation Supporters,

Cheryl Ferreira, the trainer for the 2008 AMI 3-6 course, delighted all who met her on her eight-day visit to New Zealand in July. It was a rare treat for all of us, inspiring increased enthusiasm and fervour for the development of the AMI 3-6 course next year.

The Italian Soiree in celebration of the Montessori Centenary saw us entertained by singers, chefs and gorgeous Italian music, and inspired by images of Montessori children over the past 100 years, all while consuming exquisite culinary fare from Italy. It was a beautiful evening! Cheryl presented a pictorial history of the challenges Dr Montessori overcame and the miracles she witnessed during the unfolding of her career and the Method she developed.

Cheryl's two public addresses on the 'Path to Independence' in Auckland and Warkworth were well supported, with participants at both events saying Chery's Q & A afterwards succinctly identified the difference between present-day mainstream perspectives on childhood and the approach of Dr Montessori. Much healthy debate ensued, leaving us all well motivated and with much to contemplate!

The Language and Mathematics workshop served as a poignant reminder that the Montessori materials are introduced as the 'keys' for the child's own discovery. Cheryl gave us many examples of the importance of not teaching the children, but instead "guiding" them in their learning. (She ended the day with a smile and this final plea: "If I can say one last thing, it is this. Please do not teach!")

It was also timely for all of us to hear that having environments that are overflowing with materials is a recipe for diluting the effectiveness of the environment rather than enhancing it! Less is more! The less-is-more principle was repeatedly reinforced as the way to lead the child towards self discovery. Many of us slunk back to our environments with a mission to review our environments and to declutter!

Increasingly evident as a result of the public addresses both in Auckland and Warkworth - and the one day workshop in Auckland was the solid theoretical foundation which is necessary as we as adults prepare for our work with children.

This is of course where MMEF comes in -

Travel the world with an Internationally Accredited Montessori Diploma!

It's been said many times, but it's worth repeating: The AMI Diploma really is your passport to the world! Look at the jobs advertised on the International Montessori websites, and you see this again and again, that the AMI Diploma is a ticket for overseas experiences you will never forget.

We see this too in the interest expressed in the 2008 course from overseas students, who are looking forward to coming to study in New Zealand for their AMI diploma.

We look forward to cementing New Zealand within the AMI family as the final touches are being added to the MMEF course brochure and website as part of our application to become a Private Training Establishment (PTE)--this being the first stage on the NZQA process towards NZ accreditation of the international AMI Diploma.

Work is already underway towards MMEF’s application to the Ministry of Education for the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students which will allow MMEF to open it’s doors to the many International students who have expressed their interest!

With this in mind, we are urging all New Zealand students to complete your applications ASAP as there will be a limited number of places. In your covering letter, please specify which study option would be your preference (more on this below).

Study Options

Cheryl has offered two study options that vary in times of attendance, allowing a work/study option for those who would like to take advantage:

  • OPTION ONE: Monday–Friday 8.30am-4.30pm; this will include 10 weeks of teaching practice and observation at schools.
  • OPTION TWO: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 1.30pm-4.30pm; Tuesday, Thursday 1.30pm-7pm and alternate Saturdays 10am-4pm
(The 10 weeks teaching practice necessary for the diploma would follow the option-one times of 8.30am-4.30pm.)

Please note that the second option would enable students to continue their work in the mornings. Please do be mindful however that working whilst studying is not for the faint hearted!

Please note too that only one of these options can be delivered, and consequently YOUR expressions of interest in either Option One or Option Two will help us decide with is offered.

New Zealand Student accepted onto the Training of Trainers Programme

It is with great delight that MMEF can announce that Carol Potts (left, with Cheryl Ferreira), AMI 3- 6 Diploma holder and Head Directress of Titoki Montessori for the past 11 years has been successful in her application to join the AMI Training of Trainers Programme, and will join Cheryl on the inaugural course in 2008 as Course Assistant.

All of her colleagues in MMEF are extremely happy for Carol, and in what this means for the New Zealand Montessori community.

"I love working with the children”, Carol says, “therefore it is with a degree of reluctance that I leave the classroom in the short term. However, I also feel strongly about the preparation of adults who choose this vocation, so I am excited about starting on the programme and I look forward to this new challenge!"

Since its inception, MMEF identified the need to have New Zealand trainers to enable future training courses to be run in New Zealand and to have the flexibility to offer the course in different locations. The Training of Trainers programme requires a four-year commitment to study and involves completing a number of 3-6 training courses with differing degrees of involvement. Written assignments and research papers are also submitted as part of the course of study.

The necessary prerequisites for applying to become a trainer:
  • an AMI primary (3-6) diploma;
  • an appropriate AMI diploma for the age-range of training being applied for;
  • a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent;
  • five years teaching experience at the appropriate level, at least three of which are consecutive;
  • experience of directing a class of children in such a way that the Montessori principles and practice were fully implemented; and
  • membership of AMI.
There are several formats to take the training - go to if this is of interest to you, your staff or someone you know. New Zealand needs you!

***********Hot off the Press************

Final preparations are underway for the transportation of the Gonzagarredi materials that have been so generously gifted to MMEF at the Sydney Congress in 2005.

We are excited that the materials will shortly be on their way but are keen to talk to people who have access to short-term storage that we can use prior to setting up the classroom environment early next year.

Please email

Visit for up to date news about the course or email To subscribe to MMEF News
– a complimentary MMEF
newsletter- please email us at

Best wishes,

Carol, Tia, Anna, Shirley, Lynne

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Public Address - The Path to Independence

Dear Maria Montessori Education Foundation supporters,

We are now in the final stage of planning for Cheryl Ferreira's visit to New Zealand.
The Language and Mathematics workshop has received much interest from Montessorians across the North Island. All bodes well for a truly inspiring day!

We are delighted to announce the finer details of two unique events which Cheryl will also be speaking at in July. The first - a Public Address - which I would encourage all Auckland schools to urge your parents to attend, why this could be your Term 3 Parent Evening!

Over the next few days Auckland schools will receive a flier about this event for your noticeboards. Encourage your parents to book a babysitter early so both parents can attend. And bring along everyone who has ever asked you what Montessori is!

'Path to Independence'

Guest Speaker – Cheryl Ferreira – London
Association Montessori Internationale (AMI)

PUBLIC ADDRESS July 18th @ 7.00 – 9.00p.m

The problems of adolescence litter the headlines. Many of these issues stem from early childhood.

What can we do now to help our children reach their fullest potential to be self-motivated, independent, to have inner-discipline and a love for learning?
These are the questions and topics Cheryl Ferreira will be asking and answering in this public address.

Venue: Raye Freedman Arts Centre, Silver Street, Epsom, Auckland

Tickets $20 – call 09 623 8111 to book by Mon.16th July essential!
$25 door sale

Complimentary glass of wine, tea or coffee

The Montessori philosophy of education - now celebrating it's centenary year - offers much more than a philosophy of education: It is an essential aid to life.

This public address is for all those who genuinely believe in the enormous potential of the young child.

And for all of you who were unable to get to Wellington for the MANZ Centenary Celebration in April come along to:

‘Celebrate The Montessori Centenary With A Taste Of Italy’

Friday 20th July 2007 @ 7pm
Venue: Taste - 45 Normanby Rd, Mt Eden, Auckland.

Cheryl Ferreira – Association Montessori Internationale (AMI)
With a menu created and coordinated by chef and author Raffaela Delmonte

An evening of sensory delight celebrating Montessori education and Italian cuisine.

Featuring a visual presentation by our Guest Speaker: Cheryl Ferreira ‘Celebrating the Montessori Centenary’ followed by a mouth-watering experience of culinary delights from selected regions of Italy
by Raffaela Delmonte.


Your taste buds will be teased by:

Served with Cracroft Chase Vineyard Pinot Grigio

From Napoli: Il Casatiello

From Parma: Prosciutto di Parma with grissini

From Tuscany: Bruschetta and Fettunta with award winning Kapiti Extra Virgin Olive Oil

From the Northern Alps: Bresaola – beef prosciutto – with Goat Ricotta and rocket salad

From Piedmont: Winter vegetables in Bagna Caoda

Main Course
Served with Il Rosso Heron's Flight Vineyard

From Milano: Risotto al Gorgonzola


Served with Marsala Carlo Pellegrino

From Verona: Pandoro, mascarpone and mostarda di mele

Raffle prizes courtesy of Bel Mondo Italian Mediterranean Food and Zarbos

Buffet style dinner - Cost: $70 Limited to 60 places so book early!
Booking and enquiries:

* * * * *
And finally a reminder....we are taking enrolments now and for anyone considering the training; complete your application form ASAP as interviews with Cheryl can be scheduled for July.

Applications now being accepted. Visit for up to date news about the course or email To subscribe to MMEF News – a complimentary MMEF
newsletter- please email us at

Best wishes,

Carol, Tia, Anna, Shirley, Lynne


Friday, April 20, 2007

Cheryl Ferreira - Language and Mathematics Workshop

Language - Towards Total Reading

Mathematics - From Concrete to Abstract

We are delighted to announce the details of Cheryl's 1 day workshop on:

Saturday, 21st July 2007, Auckland
9.00am - 5.00p.m
Titoki Montessori School

70a Stredwick Drive


Language - in the children's house we are always working 'towards total reading'. We pursue this path mastering not only the mechanics of word reading (phonetic reading, phonograms, puzzle words) but also exploring the function of different types of words. Cheryl Ferreira will give an overview of total reading and revisit some of the key materials that lead the child along that path.

Mathematics - the Montessori Method of education in which a child is constantly manipulating objects with their hands and activley exercising their senses, takes into account the child's special aptitude for mathematics. From the golden beads onwards Cheryl will review some of the key materials which assist the child to explore the four mathematical operations tracing the child's progress 'from concrete to abstract'.

Early Bird Registration Fee : $100

After 15th June: $150

Includes morning & afternoon tea, lunch and workshop papers.
Enquiries: 09 422 9981 or

The workshop is designed for Montessori staff. It is however open to all and would be ideal for anyone considering undertaking teacher training in the future.

Cheryl Ferreira was born in Mumbai, India. She has worked with children from the age of 17, becoming interested in the Montessori approach while assisting in a Montessori school. Cheryl graduated with a BA Hons. and then received an MA in history from the University of Bombay. She undertook her Montessori training at the AMI Montessori training centre in Hyderabad, India. She then worked in Montessori schools and on AMI courses in different parts of India. In 1998, she came to the Maria Montessori Training Organisation in London (MMTO) as part of AMI’s Training of Trainers programme, and in 2000 she became an authorised AMI Trainer. Cheryl is currently a senior member of staff at MMTO and will be Director of Training for the Auckland 2008 AMI 3-6 Diploma Course.


Tax invoice - GST registered No. 93-103-831. The fee is inclusive of GST, this registration form is your official tax invoice/statement.




Phone: daytime___________________evening_________________


Special dietary requirements_______________________________

Early Bird Registration $100
To be eligible for Early Bird Registration, registration and payments must be received by Friday 15th June.

Late Registration $150

Please make all cheques payable to - MMEF
Please return your completed form with cheque payment to: MMEF, PO Box 108054, Symonds Street, Auckland.
Enquiries to 09 422 9981 or

Accommodation suggestions for you to arrange if required:

Near to the venue: Channel View studios and apartments at Tel: 09 478 1336 or close to Auckland CBD is Lantana Lodge - International Backpackers, Parnell.
Contact tel: 09 373 4546.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Can I work and study?

Can I work and study?

Dear Maria Montessori Education Foundation supporters,

Welcome to another newsletter from the Maria Montessori Education Foundation. The burning question on everyone’s lips that we talk to about Montessori training seems to be “can I work and study?” We are delighted to be able to give you this answer: Yes. More on that below. But first, some news:

Professional Development Opportunities
** We are delighted to announce that Cheryl Ferreira, Director of Training for the 2008 AMI
3-6 training course, will be coming to New Zealand in July. To avoid disappointment note the weekend of the 21st/22nd in your diaries now!

** Cheryl will be presenting a full-day workshop on Saturday 21st July covering the topics ‘The Steps to Total Reading’ and ‘Maths – Golden Beads and Onwards.’ The workshop is designed for Montessori staff; it is however open to all and would be ideal for anyone considering undertaking teacher training in the future.
Venue: Titoki Montessori School – Auckland.

** Also on Sunday 22nd July, Cheryl will present a half-day workshop to inspire parents.

** Planning is also under way for a public lecture during Cheryl’s stay, for an Italian Centenary soirée (a fundraising evening to continue the celebrations of the Montessori centenary,
on which more here), and for visits to many Auckland schools.

We are taking enrolments now from students and would urge anyone who is considering the training to complete your application form ASAP as interviews with Cheryl can be arranged in July. Further details about the Auckland workshop will be sent out soon.

MMEF in Christchurch
Assisted by Teresa Durrant, Carol Potts and Tia Wooller from MMEF presented a workshop at the Early Childhood Council (ECC) Conference in Christchurch on April 1st; participants were intrigued and a little more enlightened after our workshop. We were heartily encouraged by the thirst for more things Montessori coming from the conference attendees (and let me just take this opportunity to welcome many of those who signed up at the ECC conference to receive our MMEF news updates).

All potential students should take note: there are Montessori schools who have already offered sponsorship assistance for students to do their training – for more information about this exciting development, please contact

Work/Study Options
Through ongoing discussions with Cheryl Ferreira - our Director of Training for the inaugural AMI 3-6 course - we are delighted to be able to offer students a choice of two study options. We will however require some feedback from you as to which one of the two options you will prefer – the most preferred option will then be the one we pursue.

Cheryl has offered two options that vary in times of attendance, allowing a work/study option for those who would like to take advantage:
Option one:
Monday–Friday 8.30am-4.30pm; this will include 10 weeks of teaching practice and observation at schools.
Option two:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 1.30pm-4.30pm
Tuesday, Thursday 1.30pm-7pm and alternate Saturdays 10am-4pm
The 10 weeks teaching practice would follow option one times of 8.30am-4.30pm.
The second option would enable students to continue their work in the mornings. Please do be mindful however that working whilst studying is not for the faint hearted!

We would appreciate if those with a preference for either option let us know their preference as soon as possible by emailing, clearly stating which option would suit you or your staff. Only 1 option will be able to be delivered, so please contact us soon and have your say – we do need your feedback. Your responses are required by Friday 25th May.

Applications now being accepted. Visit for up to date news about the course or email To subscribe to MMEF News – a complimentary MMEF newsletter- please email us at

Here is some more about Cheryl, from the AMI website:
Cheryl Ferreira was born in Mumbai, India. She has worked with children from the age of 17, becoming interested in the Montessori approach while assisting in a Montessori school. Cheryl graduated with a BA Hons. and then received an MA in history from the University of Bombay. She did her Montessori training at the Indian AMI Montessori training in Hyderabad, India. She then worked in Montessori schools and on AMI courses in different parts of India. In 1998, she came to the Maria Montessori Training Organisation in London (MMTO) as part of AMI's Training of Trainers programme, and in 2000 she became an authorised AMI Trainer. Cheryl is currently a senior member of staff at MMTO.
Best wishes,
Carol, Tia, Anna, Shirley, Lynne

Saturday, January 27, 2007

AMI 3-6 course to start in February 2008 – AMI trainer appointed!

AMI 3-6 course to start in February 2008 – AMI trainer appointed!

Dear Maria Montessori Education Foundation supporters,

The Maria Montessori Education Foundation is delighted to announce the appointment of Cheryl Ferreira as Director of Training for New Zealand's inaugural Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) Montessori 3-6 Teacher Education course.

Details of of the course can be found at the MMEF website.

Cheryl will be the officially-appointed AMI trainer for the first 3-6 AMI course ever held in New Zealand.

The course will now run from February 2008 until November 2008. The new schedule will better accommodate schools and students, as it coincides with the academic year in New Zealand.

We anticipate that Cheryl will come to New Zealand later during the year as preparation for the course. Her visit will include public meetings, workshops and the opportunity to visit some schools.

This will be a welcome return for Cheryl, whose humility and humour graced New Zealand as keynote speaker at the MANZ Conference in 2002. Having visited New Zealand already, Cheryl also recognises the spirit of Montessori in New Zealand and the challenges we face.

The trustees of MMEF have been working very hard during 2006 to establish and develop the Foundation. In addition to the appointment of our trainer, there have been other milestones reached, including the engagement of a consultant to work on forming MMEF as a Private Training Establishment (PTE), and subsequent progress towards NZQA registration.

During the coming year we look forward to keeping the Montessori community abreast with the latest developments via regular newsletters. These will go to all schools, and to everyone who has expressed interest in the course, or in supporting MMEF.

Applications now being accepted. Visit for up to date news about the course or email To subscribe to MMEF News – a complimentary MMEF newsletter- please email us at

Here's some more about Cheryl, from the AMI website:
Cheryl Ferreira was born in Mumbai, India. She has worked with children from the age of 17, becoming interested in the Montessori approach while assisting in a Montessori school. Cheryl graduated with a BA Hons. and then received an MA in history from the University of Bombay. She did her Montessori training at the Indian AMI Montessori training in Hyderabad, India. She then worked in Montessori schools and on AMI courses in different parts of India. In 1998, she came to the Maria Montessori Training Organisation in London (MMTO) as part of AMI's Training of Trainers programme, and in 2000 she became an authorised AMI Trainer. Cheryl is currently a senior member of staff at MMTO.
Best wishes,
Carol, Tia, Anna, Shirley, Lynne

First post

This first post is a test, to get used to the blogging process.

Here is a photo of Maria Montessori:

And here's another one:

And here is a link to the Montessori Centenary page. And here, to the MMEF website.

Best wishes,
Carol, Tia, Anna, Lynne & Shirley