A.M.I. 0-3 & 3-6 Diploma News
Kia Ora Koutou Friends
JUST LIKE YOU ARE, all of us at MMEF are delighted to be moving forward, now into Level 2, and trying to make it work!
After the challenging few weeks globally and locally, and with many environments welcoming back their tamariki this week, we are all eager to change to our 'new normal' and see how it will creatively and resourcefully unfold.
Because it's also something of a "new different," isn't it. There will be excitement as the children reunite with you, their familiar surroundings, and their friends. There will be some anxiety as separations from family are made once again. The children will have new interests, and for many an increasing need to communicate: to regale stories, and to share experiences of their past few weeks. It's all part of their re-adaptation to the 'new different.'
We wish you all well as you move back to the environments that we have all missed so much!
SO WHAT'S BEEN HAPPENING in the meantime with MMEF....
On-line AMI 3-6 Orientation Course April 2020
So what were we to do? Like many of us, and with the full support and encouragement of Association Montessori Internationale, we were able to make use of the tremendous online technology that has kept so many of us together in these trying times. After a very quick learning curve, MMEF were able to offer the very first on-line component of the 3-6 Orientation Course.
And so, during the Level 4 lockdown, eleven gracious, patient, and flexible students honed their Zoom skills while discovering together Maria Montessori's tremendous insights into children's development. Uncannily, it did give a structure to the day -- as many students commented as we gathered on-line for three weeks of theory, discussions and much singing! (As you know, it's always hard to keep Carol from singing!)
And having embarked on the journey, it can now be concluded in August with two days of face-to-face delivery. We're all looking forward to it.
AMI 3-6 Diploma Course - Enrolments Re-Opened!

But this may contain a silver lining for some of you -- most especially anyone still seeking to enrol! Whereas, before the Level 4 Alert, enrolments had closed, we will now be interviewing for the new start date.
We are in discussions with our venue, with the appropriate government departments, with AMI and with all stakeholders. Once restrictions to international travel will be lifted, a new start will be announced.
In the meantime, we can confirm that the first module will be offered on-line. We know that this will be a tremendous boon to all students -- especially the many of you from outside Auckland -- in reducing the cost of travel and accommodation and time away.
So don't delay. Act today!
Download the course application at MMEF.org.nz/courses/3-6-diploma-course-overview/.
Or email mmefnz@outlook.com.
After much consultation with AMI, and with our wonderfully supportive 0-3 trainer, Julia Hilson, we are delighted to announce that New Zealand’s inaugural AMI Assistants to Infancy Diploma now scheduled to begin in January 2021.
This is very exciting news for all of us, and will be a tremendous boost to the earliest years of Montessori here in New Zealand.
Here are the course dates: